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On April 29, Tusen Takk II and Seaman's Elixir pulled out of Prince Rupert Bay, Portsmouth, Dominica, just as the sun came up. We hoped to make it all the way to southern Martinique; Le Marin, to be precise. We didn't. Too much opposing current for Tusen Takk II, and not enough wind for Seaman's Elixir. Just too far at the speeds we obtained. But no worries. We pulled into the pleasant little anchorage at Anse d'Arlet, flew our yellow flags, and each spent a quiet and cozy night in the drizzle that would come to characterize the weather for days and days. Next morning, we expected the short hop around the corner past Diamond Rock to Le Marin to be simple, swift, and sweet. Oops. Raining, blowing, and huge waves magnified by the current opposing the winds. Quite a rocking-horse ride it was. Nice to finally pull into the totally protected area next to Ilet Baude inside the Cul-de-sac du Marin. It rained a lot during the next three days. We had several expeditions into Le Marin, for checking in with customs and for groceries and for a fruitless search for parts for our heads, and for a search for a rental car. We got wet on most of them. I decided to use the wet time to do some interior varnishing in the pilot house, and got a good start on the project. Then, suddenly a minor break in the weather. So, we cancelled our renting/touring plans, I put away my varnishing supplies, and on May 4 we both checked out and cruised the 25 miles down to Rodney Bay, St. Lucia. But that would be the subject for a different web page, wouldn't it?