

Barb's Family

Barb's Pedigree Chart

Carr Family - the family of Barb's paternal grandfather Joseph Carr from Richard Carr (1810-present)

Baklund/Larson and Kvaløy Familly - the family of Barb's paternal grandmother Mabel Baklund from Lars Larson (1821-present)

Lange Family - the family of Barb's maternal grandfather Reinhold Lange from Johan Lange (1850-present) and

Hoffman Family - the family of Barb's maternal grandmother Martha Hoffman from Martin Hoffman (1820 to present)


Chuck's Family

Chuck's Pedigree Chart

Bergh Family - the family of Chuck's mother from Ebbe Bergh (cerca 1800 to present)

Shipley Family - the family of Chuck's father from William Shipley, Sr. (1795 to present)