Grenada:  July 9 - July 20, 2012

Click on the above thumbnail for a map during this time period

Hog Island

From our last post:

Dinghy Blues

Here comes Barb back from a shopping trip. Oops!  She is being towed!  Turns out the two throttle cables have sheared and will need to be replaced.  Will we find replacements in a timely manner?  How will we get around until we do?

Dinghy Blues - Continued

The short answers to the questions posed above are revealed in the following photo:

A fuller story of our response to the crisis:

We relaxed on the boat over the weekend, and then took our kayaks over to Mt. Hartman Marina, where we engaged bus/taxi driver George to take us to the Yamaha dealer so we could buy new cables.  (I had called ahead and determined that they were in stock.)  The winds came up while we were gone, so we had an "interesting" time paddling back to Hog Island from Mt. Hartman.  Earlier we had winched the dinghy up to the deck, so I got to work just as soon as we arrived back at the boat.  Didn't get far into the project to realize that only one of the cables was broken.  (But that is O.K. -- now I have a spare.  :-)) 

Snaking the cable to its required position was a project, but attaching the ends was "really" interesting.  I'll not attempt to explain the complications; I will content myself with the observation that it was getting dark when I felt I had completed the repair.  A six-hour project.  Next morning we put the dinghy back in the water so that we could go on one of the organized shopping trips.   Started right up.  OOPS!   Full throttle and won't be dampened!  SHUT IT OFF!  Winched the dinghy back up to the deck, and spent another four hours attempting to properly position the cable sheath into its proper anchoring spot.  When I finally found the right technique it was relatively easy.  Next time, I bet I can get the ten-hour project down to only two!

Last minute adjustments before the final test

She works like a charm!

Hog Island Stuff

Checking the fish trap that was placed between us and shore

While waiting for a bus we document this passage past Nimrods

Dwight's Accident

On July 5 our friend Dwight accidentally injured his hand while attempting to re-position one of the PVC pipes he and Stevie use to roll their pirogue up onto shore.  The boat shifted and his right hand was crushed.  He hasn't been able to go out spearfishing and/or lambi (conch) gathering since.  We are all hoping for a speedy recovery.

Mount Hartman Bay

On July 12 we picked up our anchor and moved a whopping two miles over to Mt. Hartman Bay, where the water is cleaner and we found better wi-fi reception.  We can remember just a few years ago when the Bay was almost deserted; now it is jammed with boats.

"Cave House" restaurant -- fantastic food in a fabulous building overlooking Mr. Hartman Bay

Ugly beast that is reportedly going to be a floating Tiki Bar

We just had this picture taken for an upcoming article in Kadey-Krogen's Newsletter

Hash House Harriers

My arthritis has gotten somewhat better; so much so that we went on to a Hash on Saturday, July14.  Bastille Day, and so we joined those with decorated faces.  There were three routes this time instead of the usual two -- we took the shortest but felt good about my ability to participate. Our route was described as 3K, but it seemed longer. The "runners' route" was said to be 9K, and there were still folks on it when it began to get dark.

Barb shows her French colors

Those caught before the Hash w/ new shoes must take one off and drink a beer from it

Another silly "new-shoe" person pays the price

Expecting to be slow, we deliberately held back, and were indeed among those bringing up the muddy and slippery rear

Hash began and ended at Cabier -- here is Chuck near the end

First time Hashers are rewarded with a ceremony, certificates, and a beer shower

Hashmaster for this Hash did something wrong, and was made to pay the price

On the Mend??

So how could I, with severe arthritis, participate in a Hash?  The answer is suggested by the picture below:

(Hint:  water aerobics)

Sunday Jam Session at Whisper Cove Marina

Every Sunday afternoon Whisper Cove Marina sponsors a Jam session.  Here are pictures of the musicians participating in the session on July 15.

Special guest Donnel Best -- he has just been awarded a scholarship to study music in Boston, but needs additional funds to be able to attend

Barb got so much attention from this ardent admirer that she could scarcely listen to the music

Tom (Tiger Lilly) didn't play an instrument, but was an honored guest since it was his birthday

Scuba Dives w/ ScubaTech

David (Persephone), Lynn (Silver Heels III) and the crew of Tusen Takk II went on a two-tank dive with ScubaTech.  The first dive was at "Purple Rain", and was an extremely relaxing drift dive in almost dead waters.  The second dive was at "Shark Reef", and was a fish-rich rollicking zip in a very strong current that fortunately paralleled the reef.  Both dives exceeded our expectations -- while they weren't up to Bonaire standards they were quite good.

Dave and Lynn during the lunch break between dives -- when we returned to the dive shop in Prickly Bay

The divemaster shows off his rebreather outfit


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