April 1-12, 2011 -- Bonaire

Click on the thumbnail for a map during this time period

More Underwater Photos

Last time we featured pictures by Barb; this time we include some of Chuck's efforts. 

Baby Grunt

Baby Smooth Trunkfish

Baby Yellowtail Damsel

Juvenile Threespot Damsel

Juvenile Dusky Damsel

Juvenile Longfin Damsel

Redlip Blenny

Banded Jawfish (named for the pattern inside its mouth)

Barred Hamlet


Webbed Burfish

Chalk Bass

Creolefish with an attached Isopod

Dusky Squirrelfish

Female Rosy Razorfish

Male Sailfin Blenny

Female Sailfin Blennies

Female Sailfin Blenny

Female Sailfin Blenny

Sharpnose Puffer

Slender Filefish

Slender Filefish

Fire Worms

Banded Butterfly

Foureye Butterflyfish

Spotfin Butterflyfish

Longsnout Butterflyfish

Green Razorfish

Green Razorfish

Hovering Dartfish

Lantern Bass (light phase)

Lantern Bass (red phase)

Maculated Flounder

Pipe Fish

Redspotted Hawkfish (the only Atlantic Hawkfish)

Queen Angelfish

Rock Beauty

Saddled Blenny

Scrawled Cowfish

Secretary Blenny

Sergeant Major egg mass

Yellowtail Hamlet


Whitespotted Filefish (whitespotted phase)

Whitespotted Filefish (orange phase)

Goldspot Goby

Sharknose Gobies

Yellowline Goby

Yellownose Goby

This might be a good time to mention that all pictures on www.tusentakk2.com are protected by Copyright and may not be used without permission of the photographer.  If you are wondering where the copyright notices are, you should be aware that the United States is a signee to an International agreement that provides automatic copyright protection, with no further action required, as soon as a photograph is placed in public use by its creator.  For more on this, do a google search on copyright protection. 

One good article is http://www.photosecrets.com/how-to-copyright-a-photo.html.

Life in Bonaire

Daughter Lara has joined us for a week's visit.  She is a veterinarian with no compunction about handling animals;  as we awaited our dinner to arrive recently at Buddy Dive, she suddenly showed up at the table with an Iguana she had reached down and grabbed. 

Lara and her new friend

Walking back from Buddy Dive we stopped at an Ice Cream store and met these beggers

Yellow Submarine Dive Shop recently sponsored an underwater cleanup in the vicinity of Bonaire Nautico Marina; afterward they threw a free BBQ at their shop for all participants.  In the associated raffle drawing Lara won a pair of gaudy (too large) shorts which she traded with another winner for a key chain.

At the Yellow Sub BBQ

Wanna Dive sponsors a BBQ every Thursday night at their "hut" a couple of blocks in from the waterfront.  On the Thursday before Lara arrived, and on the eve of Kim and Doug's (Gabrielle) departure for the Aves, a bunch of us got together and rewarded them for having put on their series of Fish ID presentations at CIEE center.

Chuck, Kim and Stan (Inner Wisdom) enjoying the free rum punch featured at the Wanna Dive BBQ

Resident dummy at the Wanna Dive bar

When we were here last summer, the anti-Lionfish campaign consisted of encouraging all divers to obtain a supply of the widely-available strips of yellow ribbon in order to mark the location of any sighted lionfish.  Each yard-long length of ribbon had a cork attached so that the ribbon would stand vertically in the water.  Then, on returning to shore, the diver could either report the location via phone or a special for-the-purpose web site.  Later, "official" hunters would seek out the ribbon and herd the fish into a net using a fly swatter.  (Really.)  The fish would then either be dispatched or turned in to the research center for analysis of its stomach contents.

Now, the campaign his morphed.  The ribbons are still available, but are no longer emphasized.  Instead, the Marine Park has secured (and is continuing to secure) a supply of for-the-purpose spears that are to be used on the Lionfish.  Bonaire has long been known for its policy of "no spearing of fish", so this marks quite a departure.  But there are major safeguards.  First, the spears are very short, and are powered with an internal steel spring rather than a rubber hose.  Their range is so short that the would-be spearer must place the business end of the spear almost right up against the Lionfish.  This is possible, because, unless the fish has been shot at and missed, it has no fear of the diver or the spear.  The small three prongs at the end of the spear have no barbs, and so the hunter must be careful not to lose the fish after spearing it.  He or she must also be very careful not to touch the tendrils of the fish, since they are highly toxic and sting like the dickens.  The Marine Park provides the spears to divers only after they have undergone a training session, so they are not yet generally available.  Michael and Suzi (Awakening) have undergone the training, and possess one spear, which they trade off in using when hunting.  As of this posting, they are the proud killers of 32 lionfish.

In the picture below, Mike shows the hunting outfit he has fashioned.  On the left, a piece of PVC pipe that serves as a scabbard for the saw beside it and also serves as an extension to the handle for the saw.  The next item is a wallboard saw that they are using to kill the fish after they get one on the spear.  The third item is the spring-loaded spear, and the fourth item is a scabbard for the spear.  One end of the scabbard is composed of a rod holder, and this is used, if necessary, as a bludgeon.

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