October 12-15, 2010 -- Bonaire Countdown

Click on the thumbnail for a map during this time period

Unexpected Company

We had often heard an osprey in the neighborhood, and then noticed him/her up on one of the shoreside rooftops.   I guess after nearly 90 days in one place, we began to look like a landmark, because suddenly we had a visit.


... OH SH*T ...

... I am outa here!


What does one do in Bonaire when time is running out?   Dive as much as possible, of course.   Barb and I had a couple of additional chances to try our hand at underwater photography:  first Kim and Steve (Northern Star) each let us try out their two cameras, and then Sharon (KoKomo Kat) let us each try her two cameras.   Here are a few of the least-bad efforts:

Pictures by Barb

On the first two the flash worked; the rest are available light and heavily PhotoShopped.

Lion Fish

Banded Coral Shrimp

Smooth Trunkfish

Young French Angel

Rosy Razorfish

Frog Fish


Pictures by Chuck

The flash worked on the cameras I used...

Giant Anemone

Blackbar Soldier

Spotted Moray

Yellow Frogfish

Black Frogfish

Graysby in typical lazy position

Smallmouth Grunts





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