Antigua April 7-12, 2010
Click on the above thumbnail for a map during this time period
Four Ridges
As is our wont, we have been doing a lot of early-morning hiking. Other
islands have many pages in the guides devoted to hiking opportunities; Antigua
does not. So we -- the crews of Tusen Takk II and Arctic
Tern -- have been pleasantly surprised to find interesting treks close to
our current anchorage in Falmouth Harbour. Each of them has involved
a certain amount of walking on streets or roads, but they all have also afforded
us with the opportunity to get out onto trails. And not only human
trails, but in some cases goat trails and in other cases no trails at all:
just bushwhacking through the brush. But we are getting ahead of
ourselves. Let's look at the particulars:
Proctor's Point (33 meters)
On 4/08 we took a dinghy in to Catamaran Marina, just north of where our two
vessels are anchored. From there, we kept taking left turns on the
roads until we reached a trail that led out onto the southwestern point that
guards the entrance to Falmouth Harbour. Along the way we found
interesting seeds (suitable for making jewelry) and interesting signs. The
view from the Point is well worth the walk.
Proctor's Point as seen from Tusen Takk II
Falmouth Harbour as seen from the Point
Great George Fort (Monks Hill -- 209 meters)
On 4/09 we again took the dinghy to Catamaran Marina, and again took an
initial left turn onto the main road that passes by. But this time
we had our eye on the high ridge to the north of the Marina, so we watched for a
chance to take a side road that would lead to the western end of the ridge. We found one, and soon enough were off all roads and following a goat path
through thorny bushes. Here is a salient fact: goats are
shorter than we are. So it was slow going, but an adventure. Hunter and I both expressed regret at not having our machetes along. When we got to the top of the ridge, we were surprised and delighted to discover
an extensive wall. Making our way along its southern face, we
eventually came to a gap that permitted us to enter inside what was to become
evident as a compound, and there we discovered a large stone building. Further exploration revealed that the stone wall had once totally enclosed the
high ridge, and that much of the wall is still extant. We discovered a
dirt road entering the compound through an arched gate from the north, and
followed that road back down the ridge to the east and subsequently to the main
road. Would-be Antigua hikers: if following goat paths through
thorns is not your cup of tea, we would recommend visiting the Fortress via the
dirt road from the east.
Monk Hill (site of Great George Fort -- north of Catamaran Marina) as seen from Tusen Takk II
Barb and Devi explore the stone building within the compound
Hunter examines the hinges that once held the gate on the north entrance to the compound
Falmouth Harbour as seen from Great George Fort
Cherry Hill Ridge (155 meters)
On 4/10 we yet again took the dinghy to Catamaran Marina, and again initially
went left on the main road. Our objective this time was to get to the top
of the ridge that runs along the west shore of Falmouth Harbour, south of the
main road and north of Proctor's Point. On the previous day, as we were
returning to the Marina, we had stopped to chat with a couple of elderly locals,
and we had asked about the possibility of hiking the ridge to the west. The friendly oldsters had assured us that it was possible, and volunteered that
the ridge was known as Faggot Hill. Then, on the morning of 4/10,
while we were still on a road, we met a lady out for a walk, and she affirmed
that it was accessible, and called the ridge Sugar Loaf Hill. Later, we found
that Doyle's guide calls it Cherry Hill, and that Sugar Loaf Hill (317 meters)
is the higher ridge just to the west of Cherry Hill. So far as we know, there
are no plans to resolve any of this confusion by renaming anything else after any American
Cherry (or Faggot) Hill as seen from Tusen Takk II
Century plant in bloom
Closer look at the top
After it blooms it dies, leaving a tangle of dead leaves and a dead woody stalk that will eventually tumble
Closer look at the dead leaves of a deceased Century Plant
Flower on a cactus
Devi removes a stone from her shoe
Bushwhacking down the ridge
Falmouth Harbour as seen from Cherry Hill
Middle Ground Ridge (81 meters)
Having spent almost four hours on our hike the previous day, on 4/11 we decided
to indulge in an "easy" hike, and so we chose to revisit the ridge that runs
from Black Point to Fort Berkely Point. The ridge is known as Middle
Ground, and it is perhaps the best location from which to observe the regatta
races off to the south. We were fortunate to have decided to traverse the
ridge from east to west, because that took us through the dock area of English
Harbour, and there we found a welcoming party in progress for a team that had
just arrived from across the Atlantic in a rowboat. Sixty-three year
old Ole and his much younger nephew Brian had taken just under 94 days on the
trip. They were being weighed as we arrived, and Brian turned out to have
lost about 24 lbs on the voyage, whereas Ole had lost an incredible 64 lbs. As if making the crossing at his age were not remarkable enough, we learned that
Ole was a cancer survivor who must now wear a colon bag. We had a
very pleasant conversation with Ole, and learned that he was a Danish transplant
to Canada, and that he had made his fortune as a waffle maker. At the time
of the sale of his business, some five years ago, he had just recovered from his
bout with cancer. He had bakeries in several Canadian cities, and
was supplying waffles to such American firms as Wal-Mart and Kroger. A
truly remarkable man.
Welcome sign for Ole and Brian
Young Brian being weighed
Their high-tech boat
Talking w/ Ole
English Harbour as seen from Middle Ground
Late that afternoon we enjoyed watching the locals race their mini sailboats
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