Bequia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines:  May 29 - May 31, 2009

Click on the above thumbnail for a map during this time period


We finally pulled ourselves away from Martinique on May 28.  After the short (25 nautical miles) hop down, we flew our yellow flag and anchored in our favorite spot in Rodney Bay, St. Lucia.  The next morning, at 5:30 AM we weighed anchor and began the longer "hop" down to Bequia.  For much of the stretch across the St. Vincent channel, we struggled against a strong current, sometimes slowed from our "usual" 7.5 to a miserable 4.5 knots.  When we at last completed the 71-nm trip, at about 4:30, we engaged in a somewhat truncated version of our usual Bequia dance of drop-anchor-and-test-only-to-drag, weigh-anchor-and-find-another-spot, repeat-from-the-beginning cycle.  Admiralty Bay has perhaps the worst holding of any of the well-known and often-used bays in the Caribbean.  We "caught" on only the second try this time -- a new record for us.  Boats all around us were dragging and resetting, dragging and resetting, etc., including Magus, who arrived at the cocktail hour on the next day.  We had them over for dinner that night, and they had us over for dinner on the next night.  We also went on a hike with them on Saturday.  A few pictures taken on the hike:

Chris checks out a mango tree -- note St. Vincent in the background

Resting in the shade of an un-occupied dwelling

Chuck snacks on a passion fruit


A few pictures taken while we were in Bequia:

Barb checks our anchor before venturing off on a snorkel along the shore south of our boat

Brown Booby