Grenada: Dec. 14-31, 2009
Click on the above thumbnail for a map during this time period
Comparing notes with other cruisers, we have come to the consensus that
the question most often asked by non-cruising friends is: "What do you do
with all of your free time?" The implication is that we must be
horribly bored, just sitting around on some sunny beach drinking pina coladas.
Actually, Barb and I have spent almost no time on beaches The rare
exceptions have been when we had company who would have been badly disappointed
had they not able to indulge in their pre-conceived notion of what island
hopping is all about. So what do we spend our time on?
Consider the following list of activities for the second half of December:
Roger's Bar on Hog Island: December 13
Every Sunday afternoon Roger features a barbeque. Lately he has
also had a band, and the effort has greatly increased the attendance.
The only way to get to Hog Island (since the new bridge is locked) is by boat.
Look at the number of cruisers and locals that attended to drink and eat.
Receta's New Stove: December 14
When the stove/oven on Receta gave up the ghost, after a mere 15 years or so,
I offered to help with the removal of the old (to Clarke's Court Bay Marina) and
the transport of the new back to the boat, since I owe Steve bunches of favors
and we have the best dinghy for freight purposes.
Off w/ the old ...
... and away with it!
Here comes the new, all nicely boxed ...
... which must be removed to make it fit down the hatch ...
... and there goes the new beauty
Dominoes: December 15
We invited the crews from Receta, Arctic Tern, Jabulani, and Bee's Knees
over for home-made pizza and Mexican Train dominoes. A good time was had
by all, and Barb's pizza was delicious.
Retracing Hash Route: December 17
Gary and Jeanie (At Last) invited us to meet them at Le Phare Bleu
Marina, from whence they would show us the walker's portion of the Hash House
Harrier trail they had set out for the Halloween Hash. Also included
were Receta, Arctic Tern, Unicorn, and Jeanie's friend Lucy. There
was an abandoned house along the route, and on the night of the hash it had been
decorated with ghosts and goblins and tombstones. There was fire
burning in the fireplace, and a small room was converted to a sound chamber in
which an accomplice played creepy organ music. A grim reaper hung
around on the edge of a nearby clearing. It took Gary and Jeanie and
Lucy (and Mike) about a month to get everything set up, but non-hashers should
understand that much of that was taken up with bushwhacking new trails through
the bush -- including an approach to the haunted house.
Pausing on the top of a hill, early in the hike
Gary and Jeanie
We hear about the "haunted house"
Chuck's Birthday: December 19
On the day of my birthday Barb and I joined Hunter and Devi (Arctic Tern)
for salsa lessons at Le Phare Bleu. Afterwards we were joined by Receta
and Bee's Knees and Gary ("Doc") and Jeanie for dinner at the shoreside
restaurant. We all stayed for the performance of Gary's blues band.
Pizza night: December 23
Through Receta we have all gotten to be friends with locals Dwight and
Stevie. Dwight free dives for fish, lambi (conch), lobster, and sea cat
(octopus) while Stevie mans their boat and attempts to keep up with Dwight in
cleaning the catches. Dwight suggested to Ann (Receta) that they devote
one day to just catching lambi and lobster for a pizza party. And so
it was that we all (Receta, Arctic Tern, Tusen Takk II, Dwight and
Stevie) gathered on Receta for some of the best pizza that has ever
been created. Knowing that Dwight had a birthday coming soon, Barb also
baked a cake and after our pizza we surprised Dwight with it. He was
clearly touched. (You can read about Dwight and Stevie in Ann's book
"An Embarrassment of Mangos", and even more in her new book: "The Spice
Necklace". We can give high praise for the guys, and just as exalted
praise for the books.)
Debating which is better: lambi pizza or lobster pizza
Dwight admires his birthday cake
Christmas Walk and Dinner
Christmas morning we joined Arctic Tern for a morning hike. Then
I spent some time creating a shelf to be used as a platform for storage bins
down in the engine room. That evening Receta and Arctic
Tern joined us for a pot luck dinner, the main course of which was sailfish
prepared by Steve. Delicious! Devi brought a pumpkin and
key lime pie. Yummy!
Carrying garbage to the local bin in Lower Woburn
Resting briefly atop one of the local ridges
We all find that walking sticks are useful
My new shelf for the engine room (hatch not yet cut)
Steve and Ann cook while I "supervise" ...
... and Hunter relaxes
Nice to have gourmet friends!
A pause for ...
... a toast
Pumpkin and key lime pies for dessert
Cheek Darts (also known as "Ass-Hole Golf"): December 26
Arctic Tern had been extolling the pleasures of Cheek Darts, and finally
on Boxing Day had convinced a number of us to give it a try. Specifically,
the competitors consisted of the crews of Arctic Tern, Receta, Tusen Takk II,
and Unicorn. The rules were simple: there were nine
"holes", each of which consisted of a plastic glass strategically placed so as
to provide "interesting" complications. Each player chose a rock,
which served as his/her "golf ball". The "ball" was moved from a
"tee" to a "hole" by being tucked in between the cheeks of the bum of the
player. A stroke was counted each time the "ball" hit the ground
without going into the cup. When that happened, the ball was
re-inserted, and the player continued from the spot of the stroke.
There were very few strokes lost on the "drives", as it turned out, but the
"putting" was another matter. Anna (Unicorn) and Devi (Arctic
Tern) were heads and shoulders better than the rest of us. Or
should that be "cheek and jowl"? Anna practices Pilates regularly,
and Devi is a yoga devotee. It showed. Anna in particular had
an incredible string of "holes in one", but was nudged out "in the end" by Devi
only because she (Anna) had a single disastrous hole in which she apparently
lost her concentration.
Anna "putts" -- note the Leader Board, the fans and the sponsors (Nike shoes)
At the conclusion, champion (Devi) receives her prize: a single discarded Nike shoe
To see videos of some of the golfers, select them below.
Anna video
Haakan video
Hunter video
Concord Falls Hike: December 28
Early in the morning we (Arctic Tern, Receta, Unicorn, and Tusen
Takk II) left our dinghies in Lower Woburn and caught a bus into St.
George's, where we caught another bus that took us to Grand Etang.
Our hike would take us past the volcanic crater-lake of Grand Etang and up the
ridge toward Mt. Qua Qua. Just before reaching the mount, we
branched off onto a lesser trail that was more wash than trail, and descended
downward and downward, eventually arriving at streams that we sometimes forded
and sometimes paralleled and sometimes crawled along. Eventually our trail
intersected another path. We took it to the left and shortly arrived at
Fontainbleu Falls, where everyone (except me) enjoyed a dip in the cool,
refreshing waters. Afterwards, we reversed our direction on
the path and soon were on an ancient rock-paved narrow road that traversed down
the widening valley. On each side of the road, and up the steep sides,
were cultivated fields of carrots and cabbage and bananas and sorrel and pigeon
peas and callaloo. As we paused briefly after fording the stream yet
again, we were overtaken by a short squat lady who carried a black umbrella in
one hand and a sack of roots in the other. She wore a thin white
bandana on her head, over which she had crammed a black floppy hat.
Below her dress she wore black rubber boots that reached to her knees.
She introduced herself as "Dora", and said that she was 75 and a half years old,
and that she walked up from her home twice a day to tend her various "gardens"
along the road. We asked her where she lived, and she indicated that she
lived down the road at the village of Concord. Hunter offered to
carry her bag for her, and so we all made our way down to Concord Falls, where
we tourists paid a nominal entrance fee to get to the area near the base, and
Dora waited patiently at the top for our return. The rest of the way
to Concord was often steep, but asphalt-paved. When we reached
Dora's home, she offered to show us the garden behind her house, and cut us a
large bunch of callaloo to share. She takes her produce into the market at
St. George's every Friday, and we all vowed to make it a special point to stop
and buy from her in the future.
Bus left us off here, near the start of the trail to Mt. Qua Qua
Looking back along the ridge to Grand Etang Lake, where our hike began
On the ridge trail toward Mt. Qua Qua
Shortly before reaching Mt. Qua Qua we veered off onto a lesser path which following a wash down the slope
Some portions were quite steep
As we approached Fontainbleu Falls, the trail became more "civilized", and even had steps carved into the rock
At the bottom of the valley we travesed a rocky creek bed
How to stay young: hike rocky creek beds!
Fontainbleu falls
The girls enjoy the cool refreshing water
Crowding together for a group portrait
Below Fontainbleu the valley widened and the path soon morphed into a stone-paved road through small productive fields -- this one had sorrel
Stopped for lunch at Concord Falls, much more "commercial" and not so nice as Fontainbleu
Hunter shows where we have been
Portraits ...
... at ...
... Concord ...
... Falls
We met Dora up between the falls. She waited for us at the lower and Hunter carried her sack of vegetables as we descended down the road to her home
We passed this sign as we walked
Dora showed us the garden behind her home, and insisting on giving us a bunch of callaloo
We watched her gather from the ledge behind her home
(Almost) Daily Early-Morning Walks
Arctic Tern, Unicorn, and Tusen Takk II have been walking
almost every morning. Ann on Receta usually comes too.
On the morning of December 30, Barb accidentally brushed up against something
that gave her a painful and itchy reaction. Her knee developed
liquid-filled bumps, swelled up in general, felt hot, and was very
uncomfortable. She doesn't remember the plant she encountered, but
the rest of us are convinced that it was probably the infamous "zooti", or
"devil's nettle". I'll spare you a picture of her knee, but include
here a picture of zooti, complements of Devi (Arctic Tern).
Note the toxin-filled needles on the stem and leaf.