Martinique Part 1: May 21-23, 2007
Click on the above thumbnail for a map during this time period
We decided to skip Dominica on our trip south (too many islands and not
enough time) and spend time there this winter. We never checked in at
this southern-most of the Leeward Islands, and never went to shore.
Flew our yellow quarantine flag, and anchored off at Mero, Dominica, about
half-way down the large island, on the evening of 5/20/07. Took a few
pictures at sunset.
Sunset at Mero, Dominica
Hotly-contested soccer game on the beach
St. Pierre, Martinique -- The Northern-most island of the Windwards
The Village
St. Pierre is perhaps best known for being the victim of a catastrophic
pyroplastic eruption of the volcano Mr. Pelee. Despite plenty of advance
warning from the volcano, the residents of the village were persuaded that it
was safe to stay -- there was an election pending, and the officials wanted
their public at home and voting. On March 8, 1902, at about 8 AM, Mt.
Pelee erupted, sending not lava but an enormous cloud of super-heated dust and
poisonous gasses tumbling down from the collapsed southern side of the mountain.
Before the eruption, St. Pierre was known as the Paris of Caribbean. After
the eruption, the entire town lay in ruins, with over 28,000 dead. There
were only a very few survivors, the most celebrated of which was Auguste Cyparis,
who was saved by virtue of being incarcerated behind the thick walls of the
local jail. He was in the cell for four days and three nights before being
rescued by neighboring villagers who had come to scavenge in the total
destruction of the village. Cyparis later joined the Barnum and Bailey
Circus, where he exhibited the scars from the burns he had received in the cell.
Although some sources mention as many as six survivors, the only other certain
survivor was an old cobbler who lived on the far outskirts, and happened to be
in his cellar at the time of the eruption. Today St. Pierre is an
especially charming little village of only a few thousand residents. The
eruption collapsed most of the buildings, as is evident in the photographs in
the Musee Vulcanologique, and is also evident to even the most casual
stroller, since many of the existent buildings clearly have walls with very
irregular and very old stone bases. Cruisers: don't miss Martinique;
don't miss St. Pierre, and don't miss the museum!
Martinique is another thoroughly-French island. We had a delightful
lunch one day at Le Tamaya, a nautically-themed small restaurant run by
a couple who arrived in Martinique by yacht. The proprietress knew no
more English than we know French, but we would return any time! Elegant
presentation and delicious. And the customs office in St. Pierre is in a
local cyber cafe, so one can enjoy a beer while filling out the forms!
Mt. Pelee, as seen from St. Pierre
Sunset at St. Pierre
Another view -- Church in background
Ruins from above
Ruins from below
Note line of rebuild on the walls
Approaching ruins of a church
Collapsed into the street, and still here over 100 yrs later!
Church ruins
Church ruins
Church ruins
Entrance to the theatre
Theatre stage area
Another view of stage area
Statue at the theatre
Old jail next to theatre
Barb is in jail!
Is this where Cyparis was?
Sign adjacent to the jail ruins
Second half of sign
The famous survivor
Mural on wall of modern school
River running through the village
Casket shop in downtown St. Pierre
Depaz Rum Factory
One day we went on an extended hike down the road to the Depaz rum factory,
one of several such factories on Martinique, but the only one that is still
steam-powered. Self-guided tours through the facilities are encouraged;
but alas, production was halted during our visit due to a problem with the
stoker -- we think. (The engineer spoke little English.) At
the end of the tour, one enters the gift shop and tasting bar, where we were
introduced to Ti Punch. Yummy. We purchased two bottles of rum, a
bottle of the cane sugar used in the Ti Punch, and one of the special swizzle
sticks used to thoroughly mix the cane sugar, rum and lime juice. (Picture
a thin stick with many "toes" at the end -- splayed out in various directions
like the toes on the leg of a bird. Place the stem of the stick between
your palms and rub them back and forth, thereby twirling the toes in the
mixture. Add a single ice cube if you wish, and voila! Ti Punch.)
Recipe for Ti Punch: 1 part sugar cane syrup; 1 part lime juice; 5 or 6
parts white agricole (ie, made from sugar cane instead of molasses) rum (can also use golden rum); stir with special swizzle stick; add
a single ice cube if desired; enjoy!
Martinique is the "island of flowers"
Tractor in cut cane field
Young man who is cook at cafe adjacent to rum factory -- he also walked to the factory from town
The cafe
Visitors' entrance to the factory
Decorative barrels at the entrance
The big picture of the enterprise
Weighing station for arriving cane
Adjacent estate
Water wheel
Sign at water wheel
Series of signs in the main building ...
Large casks for yr-old golden rum
Sign about 1-yr-old golden rum: Dore
Small casks for multi-yr golden rum
Sign about "old" golden rum: vieux
Lizard enjoying the factory ambience
Banyon tree planted on factory grounds in 1980!
Stainless steel tanks for the white rum
Sign about white rum
Smoke stack for the furnace that creates the steam
Sign about recycling the ash from the smoke stack
Sign about former sugar production
Flag courtesy of ITA's
Flags of All Countries used with permission.