Vincent & the Grenadines: June 12-21, 2007
Click on the above thumbnail for a map during this time period
We arrive in Admiralty Bay, in Bequia, (pronounced "Beck-way"),
the Grenadines, at about 2:30 PM, having cruised right by the west side of St.
Vincent. (All of the passages are short in this part of the Caribbean.)
There are many things to see and do at St. Vincent, not the least of which is a
visit to the Soufriere volcano, but we are running out of time to be in Grenada,
where we intend to hunker down until such time as a named storm chases us below
the latitude of 10 degrees 50 minutes.
As we pass along the west side of St. Vincent, I scribble the
following notes: "11:40 AM, 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the pilothouse.
After a squall, we are under sunny skies w/ puffy clouds. Life is
good. The wife is sunbathing on the foredeck. I have two
fishing lines trailing behind, hoping for a mahi hit. We are in the lee of
the island, so the winds are under 10 knots and the seas are almost flat.
... 12:37 PM, Moving past the south end of St. Vincent into the Bequia
Channel. Making headway only 5.5 knots against the current and 25 knot
winds. Wind waves only 2-3 feet but w/ white caps. Earlier, in
calm, I had a big fish on one of the lines, but too aggressively set the brake
and the line broke. Should have waited longer to light the charcoal.
:-) ... Later, in the middle of the channel the waves are so high
and close together that even w/ stabilizers we are being tossed about.
I resort to tacking to avoid the broadsides, and comfort is restored."
We spend five days in Bequia, doing lots of running (Chuck) and
walking (Barb and both) and poking about. We have Mexican one night and
pizza for lunch on another and a fancy dinner at Devil's End, where the
entertainment at 9 PM was supposed to be reggae but instead consisted of several
fellows singing to Karaoke records of Jimmy Buffet, etc.. Excellent
voices, but definitely not reggae. Yet another night at a buffet at
Frangipani with steel band entertainment. Four fellows providing
vigorous and rhythmic percussion -- some of them bounced about as much as the
beat -- on variously-voiced steel drum heads, and one lone female stiffly and unmovingly providing melody. Strange, peculiar, and just another thing to
smile about while enjoying a before-dinner rum punch with friends Steve and
Linda of Seaman's Elixir.
One of our walks, and subsequently the remaining of Chuck's
runs, takes us out to the Old Hegg Turtle Sanctuary. There, without the
benefits of electricity, Brother King has been attempting to save the endangered
Hawksbill and Green turtles by gathering them up as they hatch on the various
islands in the vicinity, raising them until they are about five year's old, and
then releasing them from the beach on which they were found. They were
granted the rights to use the federal land by previous administrations, and have
been struggling in a labor of love for years, changing the water in their many
tanks daily by using gasoline pumps, since they have no circulation system.
Now, they are in crisis mode, since the current Prime Minister is selling the
vast federally-held lands off as fast as he can, and has in fact sold the land
hosting the sanctuary. So far, pleas to the government and public
demonstrations have proven ineffective. When we return, the area may well
be a private ritzy resort.
We keep hearing about various incidents of minor crime, but have
not experienced any ourselves, until one day after an early morning walk --
while Chuck is off running to the Turtle sanctuary -- Barb returns to the dinghy
dock to discover that a young man is in our dinghy and has been stirring through
the storage compartment at the front of the dinghy. By the time she
gets to the dinghy, he has jumped back onto the dock. She confronts him,
and he denies having been in the dinghy, despite the fact that she saw him there
and there is no one else on the dock. He disappears just as Chuck appears,
and in the process of unlocking the dinghy from the dock, Barb discovers that he
had stashed our portable VHF in a ledge under the dock. Barb marches to
the Police station to report the incident, but they seem rather uninterested --
writing the bare minimum of details on a piece of scratch paper instead of an
official form, and not requesting a description of the perpetrator.
Chuck has long been uneasy about the lack of a mechanism to be able to lock the
storage compartment. Necessity is the mother of invention, yes?
Suddenly it becomes perfectly obvious to him that he can attach an additional
hasp to the lid of the compartment -- a hasp through which a padlock can be
affixed and thereby secure the contents of the compartment. A trip to the
nearest chandlery to secure a stainless steel hasp, four holes drilled into the
fiberglass, and viola, the compartment can now be secured! Note to
cruisers heading through the Caribbean: no need to wait until an incident
to provide a manner of securing the compartment in your dinghy, if said dinghy
has said compartment. The slogan the cruisers use is: "Lock it or lose
Bequia has free wi-fi, we were told by another cruiser, but they
had crowded up much closer to the inner harbor than we could find room or
comfort, and so we are reduced to paying for our less-than-satisfactory
connection. And so on 6/15 we move over to the north side of the
harbor in order to be closer to the commercial antenna. As a bonus, we
find the anchorage less roiled by the winds sweeping down through the saddle
above the village. However, one afternoon a sailboat flying a
Norwegian flag comes sailing in and anchors directly in front of us.
They drop their anchor in grass -- not a good idea -- and put out a sizable
amount of chain but do not back off to see if it holds. Nor do they dive
the anchor, or in any other way attempt to ascertain whether it is well-set.
Instead, they all pile into their dinghy and disappear. Also not a good
idea. Very shortly thereafter it becomes apparent that their boat is
dragging directly into ours. What to do? First, we let out 75 more
feet of anchor chain, in order to buy ourselves more time. Then, we jump
into our dinghy and go out to their anchor, which Chuck checks with snorkel and
discovers that it is lying on its side and is fouled with coral debris.
Down he goes, clearing the debris and attempting to right the anchor. The
sand cover seems thin at this location, and the anchor now sits upright but does
not dig in very far at all. Meanwhile, new acquaintances on Temptation
have noticed our problem, and arrive by dinghy to offer help. They have a
large aluminum Fortress anchor, and we decide to set that anchor and attach it to
the bow of the Norwegian vessel. Just as Temptation returns from
their nearby vessel with the anchor, we see a dinghy, with a single occupant,
approaching rapidly from the nearest dock. Full of apologies, anxious to
learn where is safe holding, speaking flawless English, as do most Norwegians,
he jumps aboard the Norwegian vessel and pulls up his anchor. We offer
minimal advice and do NOT discuss our admiration for all things Norwegian, our
opinion of his anchoring practices, or our opinions concerning how to set an
anchor in the Caribbean. We are not too sorry to say that we do not know
where he eventually re-anchored; indeed, we are glad that it is not anywhere
near us.
We leave Admiralty Bay on the 17th of June, and shortly after leaving, we pass
the Moonhole community. Founded by the late American architect Tom
Johnson, the dwellings are highly unusual. They are made of stone, and
appear to just grow out of the rocks of the cliffs on which they perch.
They have no electricity. The original dwelling was built under a large
arch -- hence the name "Moonhole". That dwelling is now abandoned, and has
been ever since a large boulder fell from the arch and burst through the roof
and landed on an unoccupied bed. Several days before our departure, we had
tried to organize a tour on the one day of the week that such is possible, but
we were unable to recruit a sufficient count. Yet another item for the "To
Do Upon Returning" list.
Soufriere Volcano on St. Vincent
Admiralty Bay Anchorage at Bequia
Two-mile hike to Turtle Sanctuary
Sign outside of the sanctuary
Infant turtles
Individuals cells for damaged or misbehaving turtles
About ready to be released
Note the "tagging" (with holes) on the rear shells
Getting the story from the young assistant
All turtles in this large container are ready to be released
It's legal for the locals to harvest whales
This bar features whale-bone furniture
Vertibrae seat
Bar made from a long rib
Moonhole lodgings -- namesake house is under the arch
Moonhole lodgings blend right in
Another Moonhole cluster
Tobago Cays
We are headed toward Mayreau (pronounced "My-rue"), but learn
via VHF that many of our cruising friends have moved to the Tobago Cays (just
east of Mayreau, and described in the guide books as one of the most scenic
locations in all of the Caribbean), and so we divert and also anchor in the
marine park in the Tobago Cays, the site of some of the filming of the first
Pirates of the Caribbean. It is indeed beautiful here, and very
much reminiscent of the Bahamas, in that the anchorage is shallow (and a pale
green) and the nearby islands are small and low-lying. At times we have up
to 50 vessels anchored in this picturesque spot, unprotected from the winds but
protected from the waves by the Horseshoe Reefs lying to the east. We are
told by the Park Rangers that in the peak of the winter season there are over a
hundred vessels packed into this small anchorage, a thought that caused an
involuntary shudder. There is a narrow dinghy passage out through the
reef, and Chuck joins several divers from other vessels in dives along the
outside of the reef, while Barb -- iron stomach that she possesses -- sits
in the dinghy "for the diver's safety", she declares since the
area is known to have strong currents, but "out of lethargy", Chuck declares
since she didn't want to dig out all her dive gear.
The soft and hard coral are nowhere near as healthy as we found between the
Pitons, but the visibility is fantastic and there are many interesting fish to
be seen, as well as a Hawksbill turtle. Jim and Amanda of
Adventure Bound are among those diving with Chuck, and they also find the
anchorage to be the ideal place to work on their rapidly-improving windsurfing
Seaman's Elixir hosts a sundowner cocktail party on 6/18,
and among the guests are Steve and Ann of Receta. Ann wrote An
Embarrassment of Mangoes, a book that recounts their experiences in cruising
down from Canada and back to/from the southern Caribbean. The book is extremely
well known among cruisers, and it is a pleasure to meet them and discover how
delightful a couple they are. Many of our friends will already be
familiar with the book, since we have purchased and gifted many copies and have
recommended it to many others. To our new readers we can only say:
you will enjoy the book. Find it and read it.
The following night Tusen Takk II hosted a "Mexican
Train" tournament. (Mexican Train is a dominoes game popular with
cruisers.) We had six couples in all. (The Krogen North Sea
is so roomy!) At the end of the evening we presented a bottle of
Brugal rum (from Dominican Republic) to the person with the best cumulative
score. Deana, of Caribbean Soul was the winner.
The following night, with new cruisers -- whom some of us had
met oh-so-long-ago in Georgetown, Bahamas -- arriving, we have a beach
party at 5 pm. Another throwback to the Bahamas. In the
Caribbean, most beaches have a nearby bar. In the Bahamas, many do
not, and so the cruisers have their own beach party "sundowners".
Here in the Tobago Cays -- which incidentally are nowhere near Tobago, should
you care to look them up in your Atlas -- there are no bars but several lovely
beaches. And so we all dinghy to the shore and pull out our
libations and our snacks and visit and drink and nibble until well after dark.
Gosh, this cruising life is tough.
The next morning (6/21) we pull out of the beautiful Tobago Cays
and head south for just a few miles. We put in only briefly at Clifton, on
Union Island, the southern-most customs office of the Grenadines, where we check
out. We intend to stay for the night, but the anchorage is so crowded and
windblown that we decide to continue on down to Carriacou (pronounced
"carry-a-cow" by many cruisers, but probably correctly pronounced as
"carry-a-coo"), which is a separate island but under the same government as
Grenada. But for an account of Grenada, faithful readers, you will have to
tune in later for another exciting episode of "Chuck and Barb go cruising".
Jim (Adventure Bound) windsurfing in Tobago Cays, Grenadines
Amanda (Adventure Bound) windsurfing
Brown Boobie
The downside of cleaning your fish at anchorage -- note gulls
We found they like bread too!
No morsel ever hit the water!
Cocktails aboard Seaman's Elixir -- four out of five guests brought a soft cheese!
Hostess Linda (Seaman's Elixir)
Host Steve (Seaman's Elixir)
Guest Amanda (Adventure Bound)
Guest Jim (Adventure Bound)
Guest Ann (Receta)
Guest Steve (Receta)
Guest Deana (Caribbean Soul)
Guest Nick (Caribbean Soul)
Guest Barb (Tusen Takk II)
Anchorage at Tobago Cays
Tusen Takk II in the anchorage
Amanda and Jim (Adventure Bound) prepare to dive off Tobago Cays reef
| does Chuck
Some of the dominoes tournament
More of the tournament
Cocktails on the beach at Tobago Cays
... and the rest of the party
Sign at the beach
Flag courtesy of ITA's
Flags of All Countries used with permission.