More Carriacou,  Grenada, and Trinidad -- Dec. 9 - 26

Click on the above thumbnail for a map during this time period


While at Tyrrel Bay, more hiking and snorkeling (and a little boat repair.)

John (Livin the Dream) helping Chuck move a pulley from a failed alternator to a new (spare) one

More so than what?

Cows brought to the dock are unceremoniously pulled off the truck

They'll be shipped to Grenada, but had to first suffer in the sun for 24 hours

Wreck along the south-western corner of Carriacou -- we snorkeled w/ Livin the Dream near here


Then back down to Grenada, where Barb and Chuck had some fun and adventuresome trips on crowded maxi-taxis in to the market.   Participated in yet another Hash House Harrier -- this time their annual Christmas event that featured an especially long route and then free drinks and eats afterwards.   Those of us from Clark's Court and Hog Island then climbed back aboard our maxi-taxi and returned to the Oasis bar, where we joined the karoake session already in progress.

Interesting building in the market area of St. George, Grenada

Hash House Harriers gathering for the annual Xmas Hash

Hash began by sending us along the boulder-strewn shore you see here

"Wear red", they said

Some of the harriers from our general anchorage area

Gary ran w/ Chuck and Jeanie walked w/ Barb

Barb at the top (but not half-way) during the hash -- Carenage and cruise ships in the background

Former virgins Gary & Jeanie (At Last) and Don and Heather (Asseaance) celebrate their loss

Afterwards we gathered at the Oasis bar at Clark's Court Marina for the Sat. night karoake

Owner Bob takes a crack at a ditty

Gary -- chiropractor by profession but pro musician on the side, belts out a blues song

Bob and Gary render a classic

Barmaid at the Oasis -- would that we all had such lovely skin

From the St. George market: a plantain and a real sweet potato (not a yam like in the USA); sapadillas from trees at Hog Island


We went from Grenada back down to Trinidad for two reasons:  our watermaker crapped out again and we needed to take it back to Echo Marine for another attempt at repair; and secondly we needed to leave the boat and catch a flight out of the Trinidad airport.  Destination:  Norway, to help 130-some other guests celebrate the birthday of dear friend Lars Helge.   Stay tuned, faithful readers, for a separate account of that trip!

But before we caught the flight, we joined on Christmas Eve about 100 other folks in a pot luck for boaters in the Chaguaramas area.   Good food, and the "Yankee swap" gift exchange was a hoot.  (We owned a nice Leatherman tool for about five minutes, but ended up with a tiny flashlight.)

Chuck was one of the turkey carvers for the Xmas Eve pot luck

There were many Xmas carols sung -- this one by the children in attendance

Barb volunteered as a set-up person -- here she is singing along with the carolers on the stage