We left Fairview Marina (9/11) and headed toward Annapolis, where we again staged in Whitehall Bay, before taking a slip at Yacht Basin Marina on 9/12, where we were joined by Barb's sister Audrey, who flew in from Kansas. We gave her a taste of Annapolis while several boat projects were finished (new charger installed and water maker serviced) . Then we went out to show her the other side of the coin: gunkholing in the bays and creeks of the Chesapeake. In order: Hunting Creek, St. Michael's, Shaw Bay (on the Wye River), Granary Creek, and then back to the West side: Selby Bay on South River, just south of Annapolis. Then (9/19), up to Baltimore and Anchorage Marina. Barb and Audrey went for long walks on Wye Island (while Chuck ran), and we got up close to the log canoe races held just outside of St. Michael's. The girls also went on an extended expedition in Baltimore, at the conclusion of which they sheepishly admitted to having visited the aquarium. (Sheepish, because Chuck had been back on board attending to boat chores, and he just loves aquaria.) After a long day of being tourists in Baltimore, they took a water taxi back in the dark and enjoyed seeing the spectacular lights of the city. The taxi even delivered them right to our dock. Audrey had no trouble sinking into the casual lifestyle that is hallmark of our existence aboard Tusen Takk II, exploring the towns and countryside, reading, solving Soduko, drinking wine and just plain relaxing. She recently passed her boards and began a new career as a registered nurse, so she needed some unwinding after all that hard work. She was especially glad that the weather was cool during her visit as she had had enough of the heat in Wichita over the summer. We, on the other hand, are looking for warmer weather again.